Составить предложения с выражениями 1) to be a true friend in need 2) to be based on respect and tolerance 3) to survive all the storms and winds 4) to be a " fair weather " friend 5) to have much in common 6) to share interests and attitudes 7) to try to keep your friendship

fgtfbn1347837 fgtfbn1347837    2   11.08.2019 21:10    2

Mtaraska Mtaraska  04.10.2020 12:04
1)we should always try to be a true friehd in need
2)the family must be based on respect and tolerance
3)friend to go through all the storms and winds
4)сори,не знаю ,что с этим можно что-то составить
5)the guy to meet a girl have to have a lot in common
6)people need to be able to share interests and attitudes
7)people should be able to understand each other to try and keep their friendship
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