Составить предложения из слов : 1 usuall , we , shopping , at , weekend , the , go 2 goes , to , he ,bed , sometimes , late 3 tv , watches , never , the , in , samantha , morning 4 usuall , i , dinner , eat , seven , at , past , half 5 his , dad , often , tim , meets , after , school

chernoglazka970 chernoglazka970    2   18.05.2019 02:50    2

bugrysheve bugrysheve  11.06.2020 07:48

1/ We usually go shopping at the weekend.- Обычно мы делаем покупки по выходным. (в конце недели)

2/ Sometimes he goes to bed late. - Иногда он ложится спать рано.

3/ Samantha never watches TV in the morning. - Саманта  никогда не смотрит телевизор утром.

4/ Usually I eat dinner at half past seven. - Обычно он обедает в 7.30.

5/ His dad often meets Tim after school. - Отец часто встречает Тима после школы.

DzhamalHAS DzhamalHAS  11.06.2020 07:48

1)At the weekend we usually go shopping

2)Sometimes he goes to bed late

3)Samantha never watches tv in the morning

4)Usually I eat dinner at half past seven

5)His dad often meets Tim after school

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