составить общий вопрос и специальный в 9 предложениях! 1) Pete writes letters to his friends.
2) We read English books.
3) Ann plays a computer games.
4) Ann and Mary are from Russia.
5) They speak Russian.
6) We can go to the park.
7) My friend's first name is Nick
8) My dog plays with a ball.
9) They are postman.

tetyanaostafi tetyanaostafi    3   10.12.2020 21:25    2

бэлла31 бэлла31  09.01.2021 21:26


Does Pete write letters to his friends?

Who does pete write letters to?

Do we read english books?

What do we read?

Does ann play computer games?

Who plays computer games?

Are Ann and Mary from Russia?

Where did Mary and Ann come from?

Do they speak russian?

What language do they speak?

Can we go to the park?

Where will we be able to go the park?

Is my friend's first name nick?

What's my friend's first name?

Does my dog play with a ball?

Who plays with a ball?

Are they postman? (Окончание -s не ставится, потому что это специфичное слово, такое же как и sheep, fish, то есть нетк множественного числа)

Who are they?


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