Составить и записать 10 вопросов к тексту на стр

Составить и записать 10 вопросов к тексту на стр

novikdary14 novikdary14    2   11.12.2020 11:01    1

moakoroleva moakoroleva  10.01.2021 11:03

1 Where did the thing itself lie?

2 How large was its diameter?

3 Where did Ogilvy remain standing?

4 What kind of morning was it?

5 Was Ogilvy all alone?

6 Why did a sharp noise bring his heart to his mouth?

7 Why did he climb down into the pit?

8 What did he notice then?

9 Ogilvy heard some sounds within the cylinder, didn't he?

10 Why didn't he help to open the cylinder, but ran towards Woking?

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