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volk007volk volk007volk    1   21.05.2019 21:20    1

анечкалис анечкалис  16.06.2020 19:42

- Hello, George. Pleased to meet you. How are you? - Здравствуй, Джордж. Рад тебя видеть. Как жизнь?
- Hi, Nick. I'm fine, thanks. And how are you? - Привет, Ник. Я в порядке А ты как?
- Thanks, not so well.


 - Hello, Kate. This is my friend, Fred Black
 - Hello, Fred. Glad to meet you. I'm Kate.  
- Hello, Kate. How nice to meet you.

bhgd bhgd  16.06.2020 19:42


-Hello, Mary here. May I have a word with Sally?
-Oh, hello Mary. Hold on a second, I'll just see if she's here.


-Oh, I'm awfully sorry, I clear forgot that she's training now.

-Could you take the message then? Ask her to call me back when she's at home.

-Certainly I will. Goodbye!

-Thanks, goodbye!

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