Составить диалог на you forgot to phone your friend.apologise to your friend .your friend understands ypu.

pasha4431 pasha4431    2   10.08.2019 22:00    8

дима2195 дима2195  04.10.2020 10:08
You: Hey,we need to talk.
Friend: Yeah, sure. What is the matter?!
Y: I forgot to call you. 
F: Oh, im no problem. But, may i ask, why?!
Y: Sure. My parents got me caught by playing the computer, you know, and they took away my phone. 
F: Oh, so sad. I feel you, Man.
Y: Yeah, thank you. So, that`s why. 
F: No worries. I underdtand. 
Y: I promise, that it`s not going to happen again. 
F: Okay. Sorry, i have to go.
Y: Oh, my bad. See you later. 
F: See you.
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