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the domovoy
the domovoy is a house spirit who lives under the doorstep or behind the stove. sometimes, the owner of a new house puts a piece of bread under the new stove to attract the domovoy. the domovoy brings good luck to a house if its family treats him well. he finishes household jobs when the family is asleep and takes care of family animals. he also screams during the night if there is a stranger outside or a fire.

the rusalka
another well-known spirit is the rusalka. she is the spirit of a young woman who drowned. people that have seen her say she has long wet hair that never dries. the rusalka lives at the bottom of lakes, rivers or streams, but when there is a new moon she comes out to a nearby forest or meadow. there, she sits on a tree and combs her hair or dances in circles with other rusalkas. when the rusalka sees a handsome man she sings beautiful songs to him and leads him to the bottom of the water where he drowns.

PrOFy100 PrOFy100    3   01.12.2019 18:27    38

Kek1928 Kek1928  01.12.2019 22:03


1)where domovoy lives? 2)what domovoy brings? 3)who is rusalka? 4)where rusalka lives? 5)how rusalka kills her victim


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