Составить 5-6 предложений на английском языке про праздник соллаль

guljanatkabdrasheva guljanatkabdrasheva    3   29.03.2021 15:48    3

Someoneone Someoneone  29.03.2021 15:50

Korea usually celebrates New Years around February. This year it was celebrated on February 1... This holiday is celebrated for three days. One of the first solar calendars. In Korea this is a very important holiday.

Karamelka3467 Karamelka3467  29.03.2021 15:50

Sollal is a traditional Korean holiday celebrated on both halves of the peninsula. It is celebrated in accordance with the lunar calendar and is the New Year according to the Eastern tradition.There is also a tradition to celebrate the New Year in the east of the country, for example, in Gangneung and Tonghae, where you can see the first rays of the New Year's sun.A variety of games are associated with Sollal: the yunnori family board game, men and male children fly kites and play chegichhagi, a type of softball football. Women and girls play nolttwigs swinging together on a swing in the form of a long board; taking off, each player performs some acrobatic number; and also in conjinolie, juggling five stones. Children spin the Pyeongyi spinning top together

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