Составить 4 диалога на по 6-7 фраз? !

kareta2004 kareta2004    3   29.09.2019 15:30    0

mspanda22 mspanda22  09.10.2020 03:06

Bob: - Hello, Sue!

Sue: - Hello, Bob!

Bob: - How are you today?

Sue: - Oh, I'm fine thanks, and how are you, too?

Bob: - I'm be happy today! My parents buy "LEGO" for me!

Sue: - Wow! And my parents buy a doll for me!

Bob: - OK. I'm going to school, but I call you today! Bue!

Sue: - Bue!  

Вот пока 1, сейчас ещё подумаю


I - Hi, mum!

Mum - Hi, dear! How are you?

I - I'm fine thanks!

Mum - Do you like your new school?

I - Oh, yes!

Mum - Do you hangry?

I - No, thanks! OK, bue!

Mum - Bue!


Philipp - Hello, Peter! How are you? Let's go to play football?

Peter - Hello, Philipp! I' m fine, thanks, and you? Oh, yes, let's go!

Philipp - I'm fine, too, thank you.

Peter - Oh, there is Ivan!

Ivan - Hi, guys, are you going to play football?

Philipp - Yes, we are. Let's go with us!

Ivan - Let's go!

И 4 диалог.

Harry - Hi, Mr.Green! How are you?

Mr.Green - I'm very happy today, and you?

Harry - I'm happy, too! Oh, may I halpping you now?  I see you want To washing your car.

Mr.Green - No thanks, this car isn't my, this car is my friend's Martyn.

Harry - OK, bue, Mr.Green!

Mr.Green - Bue, Harry!


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