Составить 3 общих вопроса и 3 специальных вопроса

nikakri14 nikakri14    3   24.04.2019 18:30    1

aellazhumashovа aellazhumashovа  08.06.2020 18:58

Are you a student?

Has he got a cat?

Do you go to school every morning?


What is your mother`s name?

How many dollars do you have?

Where do you live?

Наташа123454321 Наташа123454321  08.06.2020 18:58

Общие вопросы:

1.Did you close the door?

2.Did you go to the cinema?

3.Will you take part in the competition?

Спец. вопросы:

1.Where did you go with your friends yesterday?

2.When will you do your homework?

3.What will you do tomorrow?

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык