Составить 10 специальных вопросов по этим предложениям: 1)music enriches our life and transforms our minds and evokes our feelings. 2) some parents think that rock can be aggressive. 3) music gives opportunities for personal development. 4) music department of shop provide different choice of cds.

mishkasega77798 mishkasega77798    1   20.06.2019 04:40    2

Sassha121628 Sassha121628  02.10.2020 05:54
1what does music do/2what does enrich our life3/what does transform our minds/4what does evoke our felling
5who  thinks that rock can de aggressive/6what do the parents think about rock/7which  opportunities does the music give ?8what does give portunities of personal develompent/9which department does provide different choice of cds/10what does do music departmwent of shop/11which choise does the music department of shop provide?
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