Составить 10 предложений с предлогом of

love2121 love2121    2   01.10.2019 19:50    1

лена6385 лена6385  09.10.2020 10:15
Put it in front of the window. there are a lot of shopts and cafes around here. keep your own file of interesting web peges.
Дазуки Дазуки  09.10.2020 10:15

1. The owner of his car.

2.Queen of the United Kingdom.

3.Ares - God of war.

4.Team of the best specialists.

5.The best students of this school.

6.King of Persia.

7.The worst of the worst.

8.The study of ancient artifacts.

9.Heroes of world war II.

10.Veteran of Pakistan.

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