Составь вопросы из слов.
1. did / travel to the seaside / you / last summer? 2. did / in
summer / you / travel / where? 3. who / you / travel with / did?
4. did / arrive / you / when / there? 5 how long / stay / you /
did / there? 6. you / stay /did / at the hotel? 7. you / at your
friends' place / stay / did? 8. did / visit / any museums / you?
9. you / did / what museums / visit? 10. you / did / like / what
places? 11. walk / did / in the streets and parks / you? 12. your
visit' / enjoy / you / did? 13. did / travel / home / how / you?

evabelova25 evabelova25    1   23.11.2019 19:37    5

karen781 karen781  10.10.2020 15:23
Did you travel to the seaside last summer?Where did you travel in summer?Who did travel with you?When did you arrive there?How long did you stay there?Did you stay at the hotel?Did you stay at your friends' place?Did you visit any museums?What museums did you visit?What places did you like?Did you walk in the streets and parks?Did you enjoy your visit?How did you travel home?
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