Составь предложения, назвав действия, которые совершаются в данный момент. образец: he / dance – he is dancing. (he’s dancing) 1. i / dive 2. she / play the 3. we / 4. they / 5. he / 6. you / 7. jim / play the 8. kate / 9. dan / 10. david and sam / play 11. lis / eat a 12. larry / wear a 13. betsy and ron / 14. we / fly a 15. my mum / watch 16. i / make a 17. ron / drive a 18. sam / drink 19. we / play a 20. the bird /

aviatorm aviatorm    3   07.09.2019 01:50    0

шплоп2 шплоп2  06.10.2020 22:13
1. I am diving
2. She is playing the violin
3. We are skiing
4. They are surfing
5. He is skating
6. You are walking
7. Jim is playing the guitar
8. Kate is swimming
9. Dan is running
10. David and Sam are playing soccer
11. Lis is eating a sandwich
12. Larry is wearing a jacket
13. Betsy and Ron are sleeping
14. We are flying a kite
15. My mom is watching TV
16. I am making a sandcastle
17. Ron is driving a car
18. Sam is drinking Coke
19. We are playing a game
20. The bird is flying
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