Sos! много(все) ! use your answers in ex. 7 to write a short text about your family for the "teens" magazine. (60-80 words) вроде как надо написать небольшй рассказ(60-80слов) о своей семье,учитель наш сказал чтобы это выледело как зоголовой в газете и интересно написано. , напишите как сможете заранее

karevmaxim4974owjcrc karevmaxim4974owjcrc    1   10.06.2019 02:30    23

ноб1 ноб1  08.07.2020 16:22
My family isn't large. Besides my parents I have an elder sister whose name is Irina. She is 19 and she is a student of the institute. She can play the piano very well but she can't speak English as her friend can. I am Masha. I am 13 and I am a student of the secondary school. I am not very tall but I am not short either. I like skating and reading. But I can't play chess as my father can. My mother's name is Inna Vasilievna. She is 39 and she is a nurse in our hospital. My mother is very pretty and kind. She can draw very well but she can't play the piano as my Granny and my older sister. My father's name is Ivan Petrovich. He is 42 and he is a driver in the same hospital. My father is very strong and strict. He likes to play chess but he can't draw as well as our mother can/. Our granny doesn't live with us, but she lives not far from our house so I often come to see her on Sundays. We are a friendly family and we try to get along with each other and try to discuss our problems and to solve them together.  

Моя семья небольшая. Кроме моих родителей у меня есть старшая сестра, чье имя Ирина. Ей 19, и она учится в институте. Она хорошо умеет играть на пианино,но не умеет говорить по-английски как ее подруга. Я Маша. Мне 13 лет,  и я учусь в средней школе. Я не очень высокая, но я не маленькая. Я люблю кататься на коньках и читать. Но я не умею играю в шахматы как мой отец.
Мою маму зовут Инна Васильевна. Ей 39 лет, и она работает медсестрой в нашей больнице. Моя мама очень красивая и добрая. Она умеет хорошо рисовать, но не умеет играть на пианино как моя бабушка и моя старшая сестра.
Моего отца зовут Иван Петрович. Ему  42 года, и он работает водителем в той же больнице. Мой отец очень сильный и строгий. Он любит играть в шахматы? но не умеет так хорошо рисовать как мама. Наша бабушка не живет вместе с нами, но она живет не далеко от нашего дома, поэтому я часто прихожу к ней по воскресеньям. 
Мы дружная семья, и мы стараемся ладить друг с другом, мы обсуждаем наши проблемы и стараемся решить их вместе.
великан007 великан007  08.07.2020 16:22
Now I’m going to tell you about my family. It’s rather small. There are only three of us – me, my mother and my father. We live together in our flat. But also I have grandparents and many relatives who live apart from us but we see each other very often.My mom’s name is Maria. She is pretty, young-looking woman with long dark hair and shining grey eyes. My mother works as a secretary in the office, she’s intelligent and she is always dressed in style.  She is kind and social person, she is in good mood most time. My mother has a lot of friends and they often visit her. Mom has real talent in cooking. I like to help her in the kitchen.My father Alex is 38 years old. He’s tall and well-build man with dark eyes and hair. He is a formervolleyball player and still is in good shape. He is physical education teacher at school. My father is also a coach of the school volleyball team. Computer is his hobby. He knows everything about modern devices and also he can repair them. My father is calm and friendly person.My grandparents are not very old. They live not far from us in a private house with a big garden in the yard. They both retired and now spend most of their time in the garden. They are my father’s parents. As for my mother parents they live abroad. Last time I saw them on last year Christmas party. They are kind and cheerful people.I have many cousins. One of them Sveta is also my best friend. Sveta is 2 years older. She is funny and clever; I can talk with her for hours. She plays piano and sings well. Sveta’s always willing to help me with studying. We usually have a real good time together.I spend a lot of time with my family. We go for a walk together, visit friends and relatives, watch films or just talk. I love my family very much.
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