Soon after the call, sherlock holmes got to the address he (a1) he (a2) at the house in every detail. the main entrance (a3) and there were no footprints on the ground so the murderer couldn't have entered the house from there. however, one of the top windows was half open and the tall tree right next to it was easy to climb so he must have come in this way. holmes ( near one of the ground floor windows and peered inside. it was obvious that whoever ( into the house had no intention of stealing anything. priceless vases and paintings were still in place but the furniture (a6) why? it was then he noticed that opening on the wooden floor. he didn't need to see anything else. he turned round to the police inspector who (a7) behind him. "this case (" he announced. а1. 1) had been giving 2) gave 3) had been given 4) is given а2. 1) looks 2) looked 3) had been looked 4) has been looking а3. 1) was still locked 2) had still locked 3) was still locking 4) has still been locked а4. 1) has gone 2) had been gone 3) was going 4) went а5. 1) had broken 2) had been broken 3) was broken 4) breaks а6. 1) was being moved 2) had moved 3) was moving 4) had been moved а7. 1) has been standing 2) had been stood 3) was standing 4) has stood а8. 1) is solving 2) has been solved 3) solves 4) had been solved

milenairk38 milenairk38    3   14.08.2019 06:20    2

Sofi12122006 Sofi12122006  04.10.2020 18:01
А1. 3) had been given.
А2. 2) looked
А3. 1) was still locked
А4. 4) went
А5. 1) had broken
А6. 4) had been moved
А7. 3) was standing
А8. 2) has been solved
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