Сообщение на про чтение,книги.

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akopovalizaveta akopovalizaveta  25.05.2020 04:46

Books play a very important role in my life. I think that modern life is impossible without reading. The more I read, the more knowledge and experience I get. I can’t say that all books are useful. Some are boring and pointless.

I like both fiction and non-fiction books, but my favourite genre is detective stories. This includes Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot books. I started reading books when I was quite young, about 8 or 9 years old. My first books were fantasy stories and I really enjoyed them.

At the moment we have many books on school program and I get less time for reading my favourite ones. I can’t say that I don’t like classical literature. It is also quite good. I especially like Pushkin’s poems and Gogol’s short stories. Sometimes I also read various stories in English. If I see an unknown or new word, I check its meaning in a dictionary.

The last story I read was “A cup of tea” by Katherine Mansfield. The plot was really engaging and the style of writing too. I’d like to read more stories by this author.

There are many teenagers nowadays who don’t like reading. They prefer watching TV or playing computer games. In my opinion, they miss something important. Reading a good book awakes a lot of positive emotions. It is like travelling to another world.

Educational books are also useful. They help us to prepare for important exams or tests.

Summing up, I should say every person should read books because they make us more intelligent and wise.

KATIAqwerty KATIAqwerty  25.05.2020 04:46

Books play a very important role in my life. I think that modern life is impossible without reading. The more I read, the more knowledge and experience I get. I can’t say that all books are useful. Some are boring and pointless.

There are many teenagers nowadays who don’t like reading. They prefer watching TV or playing computer games. In my opinion, they miss something important. Reading a good book awakes a lot of positive emotions. It is like travelling to another world.

Educational books are also useful. They help us to prepare for important exams or tests.

Summing up, I should say every person should read books because they make us more intelligent and wise.

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