Some of these sentences have mistakes.find the sentences and correct the mistakes. 1) my best friend lives next door to me and we go to school together. 2) excuse me , where is the next bus stop? 3) the cinema is a bit farther on along this road , next to the bank. 4) the nearest trein to saint petersburg leaves at 6: 30. 5) farther education is the education you get after leaving school. 6) they think the sun goes round the eatth.what next? 7) if you travel farther north, you will be able ti see some very beautiful places of wild nature. 8) what are they going to do in the nearest future?

hope903 hope903    3   21.08.2019 23:40    3

ne1naiioo111 ne1naiioo111  05.10.2020 10:37
3. The cinema is a bit farther along this road, next to the bank.
4. leaves at 6.30.
5. Further education...
7. If you travel farther north...
8. my friends and I go to the cinema.
10. Which is farther  
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