Сократить текст ! life after school it's not always easy to know what to do when you leave school alan jeffries . had an egg-citing experience! you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. when alan jeffries left school, he wasn't sure what to do.his parents wanted him to go to university to get a degree in law.they said that he would have great career opportunities when he graduated.so he took their advice and enrolled at reading university.alan had always been a good student.he had never played truant and had always passed all his exams easily.however, he wasn't ready for university.he enjoyed the freedom too much.he skipped a lot of classes and when he failed to sit his end- of-term exams, he was expelled.he said he didn't mind because he was going to drop out of university anyway.he had decided to take a year out in order to get some experience in the real world. when he saw all the jobs on offer at the job centre, he was impressed.but it wasn't as easy as he had thought it was going to be to get a job and he began to wonder if he had made a mistake. he applied for lots of jobs, both permanent and temporary - car mechanic, shop assistant, cook, hairdresser, security guard but he was too young and inexperienced for some and overqualified for others.so he made some money doing odd jobs for family friends - painting a garage, babysitting, washing cars and so on. then he got a part-time job in a tea room.unfortunately, it didn't last long.on his first day, he put salt in the sugar pot.on his second day, he put tabasco sauce in some sandwiches and almost killed an old lady.and on the third day, he dropped a tray and broke over two dozen cups and saucers.the manager of the tea room asked him to leave. alan was a bit depressed about being out of work, but then, at last, he got a full-time job! it was in an egg factory.he was in charge of the machine that put the packs of eggs into large boxes ready to go to supermarkets around the country.the wages were low and he had to work long hours, but from the beginning alan's boss was impressed by his attitude.he clocked in on time, he was always happy to work overtime and he never took any time off. before long, he had been promoted to a better job.now he was responsible for driving a fork-lift truck and loading the boxes of eggs onto the supermarket lorries.he quickly became the fastest fork-lift driver in the factory.he was happy and proud to be earning his living. however, they say that pride comes before a fall.and so it was with alan.one day, he decided to make his job more interesting by seeing how fast he could do it.he set his stopwatch and drove as fast as he could towards the boxes full of eggs.his foot was hard down on the accelerator, and the fork-lift was going at top speed, but alan was sure he was in control.however, he was wrong.he waited one second too long.he hit the brakes but it was too late.the fork-lift crashed into a huge pile of boxes.there was a terrible crunching noise and then silence. when alan's workmates went to see what had happened, they found alan standing in the middle of the world's biggest omelette.fortunately, he wasn't hurt, but he had broken more than twelve thousand eggs. alan resigned before he was sacked.he started doing odd jobs for family friends again.and that autumn he was back at university studying law.maybe you're wondering what alan does now.well, believe it or not, he's a health and safety inspector in a large armaments factory.and he never eats eggs.

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