Сочините небольшое эссе на тему... сочините эссе на тему любимая музыка или любимый инструмент (на каком бы вы хотели научиться играть.)​

DIAAADA DIAAADA    1   03.02.2021 15:52    0

vlad97vb vlad97vb  03.02.2021 16:00

Music has become a very dense part of the life of a modern person. She surrounds us everywhere: in the store, in the subway, and just on the street you can hear her motives. We are so accustomed to it that sometimes it not only coincides with our mood, but also makes it. It's hard for me to say what kind of music I like. But of course I give preference to rock, such songs, in my opinion, are filled with deep meaning and emotions. My favorite is folk-rock, each song is a little story about love, about life. When, after a hard day, I just want to be alone a little, I listen to classical music. It will penetrate the very soul, thus awakening in it an endless thirst for life.

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