сочинение по английскому You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Nancy. …We are going on an excursion to a nearby town to see their chocolate factory. I’ve never seen how chocolate is made and I’m looking forward to this trip. We are going there as a class, so I’m sure it’ll be fun!… …Where have you been with your class? What transport do you usually use when you go on a trip as a class? What events do you celebrate with your class?… Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

pomoch21213 pomoch21213    3   16.11.2020 01:07    16

ksyhaua0406ozoo6s ksyhaua0406ozoo6s  12.02.2021 17:47

Dear Nancy,

I am very glad to get a letter from you. Sorry for no writing. I was very busy. Recently i and my class were at the ice cream factory. We learned how Eskimo and plombir are making. It was so fun and interesting. Usually we use a bus when we go on a trip with a class or our parents take us to the appointed place. With my class we usually celebrate the school birthday, New year and the first of September.

I was veey glad to get some news from you again. I hope you wiil write me more letters.

Best whishes,

Your Dima.

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