Сочинение об образовании 11 класс, !

lolo105 lolo105    3   09.06.2019 10:50    2

masharogka masharogka  01.10.2020 23:05
Образование в России
Education in Russia Sistema Russian education is very different from European and Western systems Hate some nuances,then there is a line taken from the West and Europe . But it kind After the collapse of the USSR , and now in present-day Russia education received here in Europe and in the West is not respected Even 30 years ago when the USSR education was the best in the world Pochti all the Universities of Russia were the best quality training of young people of different faiths certain type of specialty But in fact it is now quite popular . The system in Russia's bad that new rules of examinations lead to the fact that students who cannot attend for example, on 4 and 5 are left without education. can be these guys don't have the brains to study well ,but unfortunately as if this without sounding pretentious, many children remain "behind the doors ".
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