Сочинение на тему: happines depends upon ourselves ( счастье зависит от нас самих)

Алeна1 Алeна1    3   16.09.2019 00:40    2

Ehsusfmivwxjswbj Ehsusfmivwxjswbj  07.10.2020 18:40
And for each person the word happiness is something different... and rightly so. For example, take ice cream, car, school.. . all these words mean in their own way ( ice cream, drink, ice cream and so on) . Ie, and happiness are all different things. Probably, all the concepts have something similar. Happiness for me is to be myself and enjoy life for what it is.. . And that the difficulties perceived as a process which is called Life. Happiness can be different, but in any case it must come from inside, not outside. I am happy because I live. But I'm not happy that I bought that and then, or something like that. Happiness is not coming and not leaving, it is always there within us - I know for sure. Any word, any action, any thought can make us happy. And happiness it's given to us from God.
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