Сочинение на тему: globalization can leave you behind factor and fadn.

natusy2411 natusy2411    1   28.05.2019 10:10    0

  25.06.2020 20:41
During the transition to the information society, developing single information space beyond one particular state and is of a global nature in all spheres of life of the modern society. In this connection the analysis of the development of the information society would not be complete without a review of trends in global integration processes.

The notion of «globalization» was fixed in the scientific circulation since 1996, after the 25th session of the world economic forum in Davos, held under the leadership of founder and President of the Davos forum, Klaus Schwab, where the discussion took place around the theme «Globalization of basic processes on the planet.» For the first time the term «globalization» used in 1983 I. Levitt in an article in the Harvard Business Review», describing the process of fusion of the markets of some products manufactured by multinational corporations. By 1998, the economic literature, the term «globalization» came to mean the transformation of the global economy from the amount of the related trade of goods of national economies into a single production zone and a single global market» (term coined by Jeffrey Sachs), where the circulation of goods, services, capital, people, and information is unobstructed. The idea of globalization in the social model was developed comprehensively in the works of O. Comte, K. Marx and theoreticians of «mass society». Oroch Comte idea of transnational Union of European States and North American States, - «Western Republic» is revealed in the interpretations человекобожия. World space О.Конт identified with the «great environment, and humanity with incomparable Goddess». Wednesday, the Internet is the technological basis of the implementation of the great transformation, which can name currently great environment of the global information space.

In K. Marx's idea of globalization is exempted from religious terminology and takes socio-economic and class shape. The most important in his analysis of the following theses:

a) the Creation of a major industry in the world market and the development of trade and communications.
b) Globalisation of production and consumption. «The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market of made production and consumption in every country cosmopolitan... all old-established national industries have been destroyed... displace Them new... the industry ...generating various products are consumed, not only at home, but in all parts of the world»[1].
C) Substitution of «national isolation» «comprehensive communication and dependence Nations from each other» the field of material and spiritual production.
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