Сочинение на тему что я делал в понедельник на

инна103 инна103    3   15.08.2019 02:20    1

Лёха142002 Лёха142002  04.10.2020 20:04
It was a usual day yeaterday. I went to school. I saw my friends and had 5 lessons. After school I went home. I had dinner and did my homework. Then as the weather was fine I went for a walk with my friends. We walked in the park. It was very beautiful there. At 6 I went home. I had dinner with my family. I helped my mother in the kitchen. In the evening I communicated with my friends in the Internet. I went to bed at 11
Nastya77777778 Nastya77777778  04.10.2020 20:04
Пишу перевод и текст .                                                                                          On Monday I'm going to school.In school we still have to go early.Everyone in the family going somewhere to school to work.Then come home exhausted and rest and sit again.Monday is a hard day.Because again, school is starting. Перевод                                                                                                                   В понедельник я собираюсь в школу.В школу надо еще успеть пойти пораньше.Все в семье собираются куда то в школу на работу.Потом приходим уставшие отдыхаем и опять садимся за дело.Понедельник трудный день.Потому-что  опять начинается школа.
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