Сочинение на "где я был летом" с переводом

Artem0317q Artem0317q    2   02.08.2019 19:10    1

румия2408 румия2408  25.08.2020 18:35
My name is Julia and I'm fourteen years old. Summer is my favourite season as it is full of activities and exciting adventures. It's not a secret that we have the longest holiday season at this time of the year. It starts at the end of May and continues till the beginning of autumn. I associate summer with sea, sun, fresh and warm air, blue sky, outdoor games, meeting with friends, long walks in the park, cycling, and of course spending time with my family. It is also the time when I discover some new and exciting places. Last summer together with my friends we discovered a beautiful spot surrounded with mountains. There was a cool but crystal clear river with small waterfalls coming down in it. Although the water was cold, we swam and dived a lot. It goes without saying that we took pictures of that stunning scenery. I should say natural sights in my region are wonderful, especially in summer. I love the mountains, thick coniferous forests, swift rivers and clear lakes. A piece of Black Sea can be also found in my region, but we should take a minivan to get there and the travel time is about five or six hours. Personally I think that summer is the best season for swimming and doing some water sports. I like surfing and wind surfing, while my best friend is seriously involved in diving. Speaking about previous summer, I would also like to mention the time spent in the countryside at my grandparents' house. They are very friendly and welcoming people. My grandmother has a nice garden where she grows lots of fruit, vegetables and a variety of greenery. She also takes care of several rabbits and chickens. It's good to be away from the city once in a while and to breath fresh air free from cars and other polluters.
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