Снебольшим текстом. this text contains different mistakes: 3 - in spelling, 3 - in grammar. correct the mistakes and rewrite the text. newspapers has certain advantadges over mass media -- television and radio. newspapers can cover more news and in much greatest detail then television and radio news bulletins can. newspapers provides an exellent means of keeping well in formed on current events.

karmazinakata67890 karmazinakata67890    3   26.09.2019 05:24    14

alinaby13 alinaby13  08.10.2020 20:02
Newspapers has - have certain advantadges over mass media -- television and radio. Newspapers can cover more news and in much greatest - greater detail -details then television and radio news bulletins can. Newspapers provides - provide  (его убрать) exellent means of keeping well in formed  - informed on current events.
ВИКУСИК4455 ВИКУСИК4455  08.10.2020 20:02

1-e  Newspapers have, the television and radio,  4-e предложение Newspapers provide

Mistakes in spelling:  Advantages, than, informed, excellent - в последнем предложении.

Я думаю так!

malina78911 malina78911  21.01.2024 14:47
Sure, I can help you with that! Here's the corrected version of the text:

"This text contains different mistakes: 3 - in spelling, 3 - in grammar. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the text. Newspapers have certain advantages over mass media - television and radio. Newspapers can cover more news and in much greater detail than television and radio news bulletins can. Newspapers provide an excellent means of keeping well informed on current events."

Now, let's go through each mistake and explain why it needed to be corrected:

1. "advantadges" should be spelled as "advantages". This is a spelling mistake, as the correct spelling of the word is with an "n" instead of an "d".

2. "--" should be replaced with a dash (-) or a hyphen (-). This is a punctuation mistake. Proper punctuation is important for clarity and readability.

3. "then" should be spelled as "than". This is a spelling mistake. The correct word to use in this context is "than", which is used to make a comparison.

4. "provides" should be changed to "provide". This is a grammar mistake. The subject "newspapers" is plural, so the verb should also be plural.

5. "keeping well in formed" should be written as "keeping well informed". This is a spacing and grammar mistake. The correct phrase is "keeping well informed", without any spaces between the words. It means staying updated and knowledgeable about current events.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the corrections made to the text. Let me know if you have any other questions or need further clarification!
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