Смысл в том, что в голове человека за секунду может смениться несколько мыслей, которые он скорее ощущает, чем додумывает до конца, часто они плохо сформированы. язык же облекает мысли в некую форму, делая ее понятной не только тебе самому, но и остальным людям. переведите на

Киска11102844 Киска11102844    2   27.09.2019 17:30    0

dementy1 dementy1  08.10.2020 23:05
The point is that a few thoughts can be exchanged in a person's head in a second, which he rather feels, than he thinks up to the end, often they are poorly formed. The language then clings thoughts into a form, making it understandable not only to you, but to the rest of the people.
thienla0 thienla0  08.10.2020 23:05

The point is that a few thoughts can be exchanged in a person's head in a second, which he rather feels, than he thinks up to the end, often they are poorly formed. The language then clings thoughts into a form, making it understandable not only to you, but to the rest of the people.

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