Смодальными глаголами. 1.you not discuss the subject with you friends. 2. if you are under 17 you not drive a car in britain. 3. if one wants to master a foreign languagee he work hard. 4. carol knows a lot about films. she go to cinema a lot. 5. i have a look at your identity card? 6. what are you doing this weekend? - i don't know for sure but go to london. 7. you see the sea from the hotel window. 8. you cross the street when the light is green. 9. i discuss the subject with my friends? 10. shall i sign all the papers? - no, you it's not necessary. 11. they didn't want to come with us at first but we to persuade them

varta varta    1   30.05.2019 04:30    1

Den30001 Den30001  29.06.2020 21:22
1. You must not discuss the subject with you friends.
2. If you are under 17 you can not drive a car in Britain.
3. If one wants to master a foreign language he has to work work hard.
4. Carol knows a lot about films. She must have gone to cinema a lot.
5. Might I have a look at your identity card?
6. What are you doing this weekend? - I don't know for sure but may go to London.
7. You can see the sea from the hotel window.
8. You mustn't cross the street when the light is green.
9. Can I discuss the subject with my friends?
10. Shall I sign all the papers? - No, you needn't, it's not necessary.
11. They didn't want to come with us at first but we were able to persuade them
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