Сложное подлежащее 1) clyde seemed of no one else but sondra since their last meeting a. to think b. to be thinking c. to have been thinking 2) you appear in him something that i have missed a. to find b. find c. to have found 3) she is said at school a. to be working b. to work c. to have been working 4) his answers in the court are considered of great importance a. being b. to be c. be

9uh9ev2 9uh9ev2    1   05.07.2019 17:10    0

гоша206 гоша206  29.07.2020 06:22
1) Clyde seemed ... of no one else but Sondra since their last meeting. c. to have been thinking
2) You appear ... in him something that I have missed. c. to have found
3) She is said ... at school. a. to be working
4) His answers in the court are considered ... of great importance b. to be
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