Словообразование с текстом Archimedes was a (FAME) ancient (GREECE) inventor and (MATHEMATICS). He is best known for discovering “Archimedes’ Principle”, a (SCIENCE) law that explains why some objects float. There are (VARY) stories that tell how Archimedes made this
(DISCOVER). One story tells of a king named Hiero who wanted to know whether a goldsmith had (HONESTLY) added some silver to a gold crown he had ordered. The king asked Archimedes for his (ASSIST) in solving the problem. For days, Archimedes was (ABLE) to come up with any ideas. Then, one day while getting into his bathtub, Archimedes noticed water spilling over the sides. (SUDDEN), he had an idea. He realized that when an object is placed in water, it moves some water from underneath it. By taking (MEASURE) of an object’s (WEIGH) and the amount of water it moves, Archimedes could find out the “density” of the object. Because of this, he could conclude whether King Hiero’s crown was made (ENTIRE) of gold or not. Archimedes was so excited when he realized this that he jumped out of his bathtub and ran down the street shouting (LOUD) “Eureca!”, the Greek word for “I have found it!”. Today people often shout “Eurica!” to say they have found a (SOLVE) to a problem.

gjrdghhFafhj gjrdghhFafhj    2   08.10.2021 21:40    15

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