Скласти реяення(майбутній звичайний час тема)
1. You (be) veery happy.
2. Jim (get) a lot of money if he sell his car.
3. They (buy) a very beautiful house very soon.
4. Her friends (support) you.
5. They (have) a meeting tomorrow.
6. I (travel) around the world.
7. I (not, join) them.
8. Jonh (do) this homework tomorrow.
9. They (not, refuse) to buy this house.

home66589 home66589    1   16.04.2020 14:31    1

aselznala2004 aselznala2004  13.10.2020 09:08

1. You will be

2. Will get

3. Will buy

4. Will support

5. Will have

6. I will travel

7. I will not join

8. Will do

9. Will not refuse


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