Складіть речення з такими словосполученнями: 1 inventive genius 2 lead man 3 to contribute to sth 4 to launch a spacecraft 4 applied science 5 evidence for sth 6 to be in sbs power

МилаКу МилаКу    3   05.06.2019 21:30    1

dv1ne dv1ne  06.07.2020 08:58
1.Nikola Tesla was inventive genius.
2. Our lead man says we have to hang some money for our teacher's birthday present.
3. A lot of people in our company are contributing to developing of it.
4. Have you ever wanted to launch a spacecraft?
5. I have learned applied science for a long time.
6. The deal is in the dead end. Can you find me any evidences for killing this person?
7. A lot of teenagers are in their parents power.
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