Скажи то же самое иначе. . Opazeu: Harry: I like bees and ants.
Harry says he likes bees and ants.
Emily and Emm a: We are
small but cute.
Emily and Emma say they are small
but cute.
1) His friends: We have a new video game.
2) Her grand a d: I can play ping-pong well.
3) Mr Robinson: I am from Glasgow, not
from London.
4) Ms Polly Starr: I have a husband. His
name is Jake.
5) Their parents: We have a good birthday
present in this bag.
6) Miss Black: I like to cook. I can cook well.
7) Mr
Mrs Perry: Our family is very
8) Mary: John plays tennis very well.

vtkmlth vtkmlth    1   20.01.2021 00:52    5

ane4ka258000 ane4ka258000  19.02.2021 01:54

1) His friends say they have a new video game.

2) Her grandad says he can play ping-pong well.

3) Mr Robinson says he is from Glasgow, not from London.

4) Mrs Polly Starr says she has a husband. His name is Jake.

5) Their parents say they have a good birthday.

6) Miss Black says she likes to cook. She can cook well.

7) Mr and Mrs Perry say their family is very big.

8) Mary says John plays tennis very well.

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