Simple past (regular verbs) put the verbs into the simple past. / выберите верную форму глагола: yesterday my family and i (visit) my grandparents. my mother (1) (help) my grandfather in the garden. my father ( (clean) the windows outside. my brother and i (3) ) cartoones on television with my grandfather. later we (4) (play) outside in the garden. we (5) (climbed) the tree to our tree-house. we (6) (stay) there all afternoon. then our mother (7) (call) us because it was time to go home. our grandparents (8) (kiss) us goodbay and we (9) ) home. we (10) ) home at 8 o'clock. father (11) ) for the key, (12) (open) our front door and we all (13) (walk) inside.

Kasseno4ka Kasseno4ka    3   01.06.2019 05:10    23

ак2005 ак2005  02.07.2020 12:57
1.helped 2. Cleaned 3. Watched 4. Played 5. Climbed 6. Stayed 7. Called 8.kissed 9.returned 10. Arrived 11. Looked 12. Opened 13. walked
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