Сii. раскройте скобки. fiona (be) … very busy on saturdays. she usually (get up) … at seven o’clock. then she (have) … breakfast and (go) swimming. this saturday is a special day for fiona. it (be) … her birthday. look at fiona. she (not/swim) … at the moment. she (help) … her mother. they (make) … fiona’s birthday cake. fiona (love) … chocolate cakes.

Vad1mi4 Vad1mi4    2   23.09.2019 16:20    15

Сырочег Сырочег  08.10.2020 12:43
1)will be busy, 2)she gets up 3)? 4)will be her 5)is not swimming 6)is helping 7)are making 8)love cakes
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