, школьное задание ) 1. The new promotional campaign has succeeded … our product known to the wider audience. *
to making
for to make
in making
to make
2. When you apply for a visa you … expect to receive it within two weeks. *
don’t have to
3. The latest series of advertisements are much … the original ones. *
more appealing than
most appealing as
appealing than
as appealing as
4. If you travel within the European Union you … carry a passport, as an identity card is sufficient. *
don’t have to
have to
need to
5. … the latest information about our products is now possible directly from our web page. *
To obtaining
For to obtain
To obtain
6. Although they finally decided to open the new office in Amsterdam, they … another major European city. *
could be chosen
could choose
could have chosen
7. To generate income magazine publishers must decide whether to increase the subscription price or … . *
selling advertising
to sell advertising
sold advertising
if they should sell advertising
8. The manufacturing process … chemicals to strengthen the paper. *
is requiring
is required
has requirements in
9. We are looking forward … you at the next year’s conference. *
to see
that we will see
to seeing
10. If the components … delivered earlier, we might have been able to start work on time. *
had been
might have been
would have been
11. If we want to make a big impact, … consider a TV campaign. *
we better
we had to
we've got
we'll have to
12. Since export regulations have been relaxed it has become … to work in the Indian market. *
more easier
more easy
13. If the sales … soon, we’ll be in trouble. *
aren't improved
don't improve
won't improve
didn't improve
14. ‘The phone’s ringing.’ – ‘Don’t worry. … .’ *
I'll get it
I'm getting it
I get it
I'm going to get it
15. She overheard … about the closure of the factory. *
how they were talking
them to talk
them talk
them talking

artikiv2006 artikiv2006    2   14.04.2021 12:11    23

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