Школьная форма советского периода состояла из темного пиджака и брюк для мальчиков и из коричневого платья и черного фартука для девочек. Кроме того, существовала парадная школьная форма: мальчики носили темный костюм с белой рубашкой, а девочки – коричневое платье с белым фартуком. Повседневная школьная форма для девочек дополнялась коричневыми или черными бантами, а праздничная – белыми. В конце 1980-х годов для девочек был введен темно-синий костюм-тройка.Кроме школьной формы с 5 класса учащиеся должны были носить красный галстук – символ пионерской организации, к которой принадлежали практически все школьники. Первоначально к аксессуару прилагался специальный зажим, позже его стали завязывать узлом. Обязательное ношение в школе пионерского галстука было отменено в 1991 году. А к 1992 году практически повсеместно прекратила свое существование и школьная форма.
Uniform of the Soviet period consisted of a dark jacket and trousers for boys and a brown dress and black skirt for girls. In addition, there was a grand school uniform: boys wore a dark suit with a white shirt, and girls - brown dress with white apron. Casual school uniform for girls supplemented brown or black bows and festive - white. In the late 1980s, was introduced for girls navy blue three-piece suit. In addition to the school uniform with the 5th grade students had to wear a red tie - a symbol of the Pioneer organization, to which belonged to almost all students. Originally accessories attached to a special clamp, later it became knotted. Compulsory wearing of school pioneer tie was canceled in 1991. And by 1992, almost everywhere ceased to exist and the school uniform.
Uniform of the Soviet period consisted of a dark jacket and trousers for boys and a brown dress and black skirt for girls. In addition, there was a grand school uniform: boys wore a dark suit with a white shirt, and girls - brown dress with white apron. Casual school uniform for girls supplemented brown or black bows and festive - white. In the late 1980s, was introduced for girls navy blue three-piece suit.
In addition to the school uniform with the 5th grade students had to wear a red tie - a symbol of the Pioneer organization, to which belonged to almost all students. Originally accessories attached to a special clamp, later it became knotted. Compulsory wearing of school pioneer tie was canceled in 1991. And by 1992, almost everywhere ceased to exist and the school uniform.