Сгруппируйте слова по их временным формам: simple active, simple passive, progressive active, perfect active, perfect passive. he uses-he is using - he used -he has used; he could call-he can be called; they named-they were named- they have been named; he measures- he has measured. выберите правильный вариант отрицания и глагола для вопроса. 1. they … a new reagent in their experiment. a) does not use he, she, it b) did not use c) is not used 2. we … this metal with sulphuric acid to obtain hydrogen yesterday. a) did not treat b) do not treat c) does not treat 3. the researchers … new substances last week. a) did not obtain b) does not obtain c) were not obtained 4. soon we shall receive a new laboratory equipment…? a) shall not we b) didn’t we c) don’t we 5. the experiment was very difficult…? a) won’t it b) wasn’t it c) isn’t it 6. … a concentrated solution contain a large amount of a dissolved substance? a) are b) is c) do d) does

oliaborisova123 oliaborisova123    1   07.07.2019 16:30    4

alex8353 alex8353  30.07.2020 21:22
Simple Active - he uses - he measures - he used - he could call - they named, Simple Passive - he can be called - they were named, Progressive Active - he is using, Perfect Active - he has measured - he has used, Perfect Passive - they have been named.
1. They … a new reagent in their experiment. b) did not use
2. We … this metal with sulphuric acid to obtain hydrogen yesterday. a) did not treat
3. The researchers … new substances last week. a) did not obtain
4. Soon we shall receive a new laboratory equipment…? a) shall not we
5. The experiment was very difficult…? b) wasn’t it
6. … a concentrated solution contain a large amount of a dissolved substance? d) does
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