Сграмматикой , завтра зачет а я ничего не успеваю.1. when i lose (lose) my temper i often (say) things i really (not mean) at all.2. i (look) for new lodgings as i have to move out of my flat in two weeks’ time.3. tim was on his hands and knees on the floor. he (look for) his contact lens.4. she (work) for the company since she (leave) school, so i wasn’t surprised when she took a new job in london.5. wish me luck! if i (get) the job i (let) you know.6. i’m afraid you (lose) your temper. you (say) things you will be sorry for later. 7. while i (walk) to the bus-stop, i realized i (leave) the cooker on.8. – anybody (see) him today? – i (see) him about half an hour ago. he (get) ready to leave.9. everything is in a mess because we (rearrange) the furniture in the hall.10. she (hardly, arrive) when she (start) talking about leaving again.11. it was the first time we (notice) how old she had become.12. most analysts expected that there (be) a change in policy.13. she knew that when she (come) they (dance) and no one (notice) her.14. we (have) fried chicken and apple-pie that night so i asked her to stay for dinner.15. i (not see) you for ages. what (you do)?

090416me 090416me    3   29.03.2019 01:27    7

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