Сформируйте из двух предложений одно с обстоятельства цели, выраженного с инфинитива. 1. i want to go moscow sometimes soon. i have friends there i'd like to visit. 2. this summer we went to spain. we visited the sagrada familia and the guell park in barcelona. 3. iren went to the store last night. she had to buy a birthday present for her sister. 4. carlos is going to rome this winter. he is planning to spend his new year vasations there.

mischkulentsov mischkulentsov    2   11.09.2019 07:30    5

sisake sisake  04.08.2020 01:51
1. I want to have friends Moscow to go there and to visit them sometimes soon.
2. This summer we went to Spain to visit the Sagrada Familia and the Guell Park in Barcelona.
3. Iren went to the store last night to buy a birthday present for her sister.
4. Carlos is going to Rome this winter to spend his New Year vacation there.
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