Sentences with some/any/no. There is … tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot.
There is … fresh milk in the fridge. I can't make porridge.
Are there … tasty apples in the bag?
There isn't … jam on the round plate.
There are … bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow.
There is … butter on the plate.
There is … cheese on the table, but there’re … cheese sandwiches.
There isn't … sausage on the table.
There are … potatoes in the bag.
There aren't … bananas on the table, but there are … cucumbers there.
Is there … butter in the fridge?
There isn't … bread in the bag.
There are … cucumbers on the table.
There are … potatoes in the box.
There is … cheese on the

plalbina plalbina    3   29.11.2021 10:08    0

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