Select the question with the correct form.
• 1
What you keeps awake at night?What keeps you awake at night?

• 2
Who you wanted to be when you were a child?Who did you want to be when you were a child?

• 3
Who taught you a valuable lesson, and what was it?Who did teach you a valuable lesson, and what was it?

• 4
You ever wish you lived in a different time?Do you ever wish you lived in a different time?

• 5
What type of music you do listen to?What type of music do you listen to?

• 6
As a child, did you like school?As a child, did you to like school?

• 7
When did you first think of yourself as an adult?When you first thought of yourself as an adult?

• 8
What one thing do you always worry?What one thing do you always worry about?

Select the correct alternatives to complete the text./fill in the gaps with a correct relative pronoun

Kids say the funniest things!
As a children's quiz master, I've heard some wonderful answers over the years. In one quiz I asked, 'What is the name of the insect
makes honey?' One child answered, 'The honey monster.'

The best sources of funny answers are usually geography questions. I once asked, ' country is famous for pizza and pasta?' One little boy shouted out, 'Hungary!' I imagine he was thinking 'hungry'. Another question: ' Latin American country do you find tamales, sombrero hats and burritos?' Without hesitating, a child shouted, 'Germany'!

Kids' history isn't always perfect either. When I asked,' leader, whose last name began with 'G', helped India gain independence?', the answer, according to one child, wasn't Gandhi, but Geronimo! Another time, I asked almost a joke question: ' the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing?' '2010!' shouted an eight-year-old.

Science questions get some nice answers, too. I once asked, 'Where a rocket fly to?' The answer? Mysteriously, a six-year-old replied, 'A rocket goes in your pocket!'

Эзоз Эзоз    3   14.04.2020 14:20    71

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