SDR-4X KING OF THE DANCE PLOOR The figure moves in perfect time with the music, using fancy footwork and waving
ita arms above its head. Whether the music is rock and roll cases, disco hitro
romantic ballada, the dancer never miss step or steps to rest
(0) D This is in fact, a state-of-the-art, human shaped robot which has recently been
developed by Sony. The robot, which goes by the name of SDR-AX, is 60 centimetall
with a shiny silver body and large, friendly looking round eyes (1)
though, few homes will be able to afford one, as this miracle of robotics costs about the
same as a luxury car.
The SDR-X is certainly entertaining - it is quite literally, an all-singing all
dancing robot. (2) It can be programmed with so much music and so many lyrics that
it can outperform a jukebox. The SDR-4X can really work the dance floor, as it not only
moves to the beat of the music, but also shakes its hips and moves it arms and legs to the
rhythm. Its two built-in cameras enable it to dodge any obstacles in its path. (3)
The SDR-AX also has a great sense of balance, so it rarely falls over, no matter how
energetic its dance routine becomes. (4) This is because its feet contain special
which allow it to walk and dance on uneven surfaces such as carpets and rugs. Even the
most agile dancers take a tumble sometimes, but you can be sure that even if the SDR-EX
does all over, it will not fall apart. Instead, it gets back on its feet as gracefully as possible
to continue its performance and make its owners proud.
It has the ability to talk and, with a vocabulary of 60,000 words, it is much chattier
than previous home robots. It can recognise as many as ten people by face and voice, and is
able to greet them by name and even have a conversation with them.
Its built-in cameras take digital images of people's faces and store them in its
memory, while its seven microphones pick up people's voices and file them
The SDR-4X is the most advanced robot ever produced for home use, but experts believe
that this is only the beginning. (6) In the meantime, the SDR-4X is ready to dance the
night away in living rooms around the world. Who knows - it might even teach you some
of its mover!

A) Perhaps its most entertaining talent, though, is its dancing.
B) Demonstrations have shown that it can even balance itself on a surfboard while it is
being tilted in various directions.
C) As technology progresses, home robots will become more and more high-tech and
will be able to perform a greater variety of functions.
D) But this is no ordinary dancer.
E) The SDR-4X can even take photographs.
F) This means that it can avoid all sorts of accidents.
G) It was designed to live with people in their homes and to entertain them and keep
them company,
H) The makers of SDR-4X believe that the robot will be popular because of its personality.​

Seregabludov98 Seregabludov98    1   25.03.2021 14:00    6

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