Сделайте утвердительное,отрицательное,вопросительное предложение 1.theyclosed the box 2.she helped her friend 3.lie looked at the picture 4.he washed his bike 5.we played hockey yesterday 6.she helps her mother every day

anna0513wolf anna0513wolf    1   14.07.2019 08:20    3

Darina6940 Darina6940  03.10.2020 03:53
1. They closed the box
2. She helped her friend
3. Lie looked at the picture
4. He washed his bike
5. We played hockey yesterday
6. She helps her mother every day
1. They did not close the box
2. She did not help her friend
3. Lie did not look at the picture
4. He did not wash his bike
5. We did not play hockey yesterday
6. She does not help her mother every day
1. Did they close the box?
2. Did she help her friend?
3. Did Lie look at the picture?
4. Did he wash his bike?
5. Did we play hockey yesterday?
6. Does she help her mother every day?
chmochmoshnoe chmochmoshnoe  03.10.2020 03:53
1 Did they the box? They didn't close the box. 2 She didn't help... Did she help her friend? 3 Lie didn't look... Did Lie look...? 4 He didn't wash... Did he wash his bike? 5 Did we play...? We didn't play... 6 Does she help..? She doesn't help...
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