Сделайте предложение вопросительным и отрицательным. . 1.we are at the university 2.she is from russia 3.it is time to go to bed 4. you are first-year student 5.it is cold today 6. we are glad to see them 7. i am busy today

алисаалисаалиса1 алисаалисаалиса1    2   18.08.2019 14:10    0

1337lolkek 1337lolkek  05.10.2020 02:59
1.We are not at the university.
Are we at the university?
we are at the university
2.She is not from Russia.
Is she from Russia?
3.It is not time to go to bed.
Is it time to go to bed?
4. You are not the first-year student
Are you the first-year student?
5.It is not cold today
Is it cold today?
6. We are not glad to see them
Are we glad to see them?
7. I am not busy today
Am I busy today?
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