Сделайте правильный выбор 1. it‟s raining … a. heavy b. hardly c. heavily 2. the book is worth … a. be reading b. reading c. to read 3. what a tremendous … of thunder! a. gust b. clap c. breath 4. there has been … frost. a. a hard b. hard c. hardly 5. it was raining …. a. like cats and dogs b. cat and dog c. cats and dogs 6. it was 20 degrees in … shade yesterday. a. the b. a c. – 7. it‟s lovely weather for … a. geese b. ducks c. dogs 8. the spring is … air. a. in b. in the c. on the 9. the car driver splashed mud … us. a. on b. to c. at 10. she was shivering … cold. a. from b. of c. with

RedEdro RedEdro    2   25.06.2019 20:20    1

VaniLikaK VaniLikaK  20.07.2020 20:56
1. It‟s raining …  C. heavily
2. The book is worth …  B. reading
3. What a tremendous … of thunder! B. clap
4. There has been … frost. A. a hard
5. It was raining ….  C. cats and dogs
6. It was 20 degrees in … shade yesterday. A. the
7. It‟s lovely weather for …  B. ducks
8. The spring is … air.  B. in the
9. The car driver splashed mud … us. A. on
10. She was shivering … cold. A. from
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