Сделайте по скорее)!!)!). Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­ голы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past In­ definite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Per­ fect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous. 14.Who ... (use) my safety-razor? The blade is quite blunt.
15.On Saturdays, when we ... (have) lunch, we usually go for a walk.
16."You ... (do) too much recently. Take a rest."
17."Where ... (you, put) my wig? I can't find it anywhere," complained the bald man.
18.Where ... (you, go) when I passed you this morn-
19 (you, have) your medicine yet?
20.Why ... (you, always, make) such idiotic mis-
21. He explained why the three angles of a triangle
... (equal) a hundred and eighty degrees.
22.1 ... (explain) this for hours: doesn't even one of you understand it now?
23.While I ... (explain) it to you, you have been drawing silly pictures!
24.He ... (chew) gum then, so, of course, he couldn't speak properly.
25.Where ... (you, be) all day today?
26.1... (see) him several times this week.
27.1... (see) him several times earlier this week.
28.On that occasion he ... (look) quite bovine, for he was chewing gum.
29.After I... (be) sick, I felt better.
30."Where have you been?" "I... (swim)."

Alinatkd Alinatkd    1   19.11.2020 13:01    24

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