Сделайте .make the sentences complete 1. when do you get up? i usually at seven 2. what is that she is a teacher. what are those they are workers. 3. i live in pushkin what street do you in? 4. when does your father home? he comes at seven o'clock.

Никола11111111 Никола11111111    2   01.10.2019 04:40    2

Matvei337 Matvei337  09.10.2020 07:02
1.When do you usually get up? I usually get ap at seve oclock
3.I live in Pushkin street. Wha street do you live in?
4.When does your father come home? He comes home at sevn oclock
Извини, но второй вопрос непонимаю((
dawdawad dawdawad  09.10.2020 07:02

1. Usually, get up, o'clock

2. Person, people

3. Street, live

4. Come, home

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