Сделайте кратко рассказать от 3 лица the shopkeeper comes to the cafe. he is very angry. where are my coins? he says. your coins? carla says. i don`t understand. they`re missing! the shopkeeper says. did you steal them? carla and pete are surprised. the people at the tables near them are surprised too. they watch the two friends and the old man. steal your coins? no! carla says. her face is hot and red. we didn't steal any stamps or coins, pete says. what are you saying? he is angry now. you`re got my coins! the shopkeeper says. the coins are missing, and this isn`t the first time. some coins were missing last week. some students had them too, i think. did you see the students with the coins? pete says. the old man doesn't answer. a police officer walks down the street to the cafe. he watches carla and pete and the shopkeeper. then he says, what`s wrong. these two students came into my shop, the shopkeeper says. i went to the back room and answered the telephone. then i coins were missing, and the two students were not in the shop. the police officer looks at pete band carla. what do you say? he saks. wes, we went into the shop, carla says. we wanted to look at the stamps. but we didn`t steal them, pete says. and we didn`t take the coins.

ola124 ola124    1   19.07.2019 11:00    0

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